Friday, June 20, 2014

"Thank you for loving me enough to cut me down."

One of my favorite parts of my mission has been the opportunity to learn from all of my wonderful and sweet companions! I have been so privileged to work alongside them and to learn with them. 

There is one companion that has taught me a great lesson on turning our weaknesses into strengths.  It's hard, but IT'S WORTH IT!!

Sister Anderson :)

Here is a scripture that sums up our time together: 

 "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." (Ether 12:27)

About a week into the transfer (a transfer is every 6 weeks), we were asked to read a conference talk by our mission president. It is called, "As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten" by Elder D. Todd Christofferson, an apostle of Jesus Christ.

Here is a WONDERFUL video that summarizes his talk!!!

Once I read the talk, I thought to myself..."OKAY, here we go!! I will do my best to accept God's will and His correction and change. He will show me my weaknesses, and I will do my best to accept it and grow from it." 
As time went on with Sister Anderson, I learned what I was supposed to work on.  BEING BOLD and INVITING OTHERS TO CHANGE.  I have always felt really uncomfortable telling someone what I think they can do to become better.  Well, that changed pretty quick!! Sister Anderson asked me to help her out by telling her what she could improve on--that was her only request.  Let me tell you, that was so hard to do at first!!
But with Sister Anderson's patience and loving encouragement and example, she taught me how to be bold and loving at the same time!! Being bold has been a huge step out of my comfort zone, but I'm seeing so many benefits and blessings that have come from it!
I even had a missionary tell me the other day that "I like the bold side of Sister Udall!"  It was neat to see that others recognized this change in me! Because I had humbled myself and stepped outside my comfort zone, I was on my way to the Sister Udall God knows I can become!
Our goal as a companionship was that by the end of the transfer, we would be able to say to each other, "Thanks for loving me enough to cut me down."
AND IT HAPPENED!! On Wednesday I got a letter from Sister Anderson that said those exact words!! We have both seen miracles and grown together because we have accepted God's will and made the most of our uncomfortable growing moments!! 

Thursday, June 5, 2014


On Tuesday I went on an exchange. An exchange is where my companion and I split up. We each pair off with other sister missionaries. One of them will come to our area where we work, and one of us will go to their area to work. Well, Tuesday was my turn to go out of my area. I ended up going to Leesburg for the day :)

While we were there, we had dinner with a wonderful family!! I will never forget their example of charity. It has touched me so much, and I know that I will never forget how I felt while at their home.   I only spent an hour with them, but they taught me so much. I will ever be grateful for them!!

This family has one child that has special needs. He requires an extra amount of patience, time, and love. While I was there, I noticed the simple acts of kindness from his mom and siblings.

At one point he didn't want to eat what was given to him. He wanted something else that was downstairs.  So his brother went downstairs and got it for him without even complaining about having to go all the way downstairs in the middle of dinner. 

Another sister noticed that he wanted something, so she passed it to him. 

His mom was patient and gave him attention when he needed it. She was so understanding.

There were so many other simple acts of love and kindness that went on during that dinner. They never became frustrated or overly upset.  It was so touching to be there in this home with so much love, patience, and compassion.

While there, I felt an overwhelming presence of LOVE in their home. It was so overwhelming I wanted to cry!! For the past couple of days, I have wanted to increase my love for others. I have prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help me understand what kind of love He has for us, and how I can share that with others. Well, I got my answer!! Their love in action helped me understand what true Christ-like love is! 

Christ-like love is present, no matter what the circumstances are.  In this home, it would be so easy to become frustrated, annoyed, angry, etc.  But instead of giving into those temptations, they choose to remember who he is...a child of God!! They love him anyways!

The mom joked and said that she felt like entertainment for everyone else because they aren't the "normal" family. But it didn't come across like that to me at all!! I felt a greater sense of peace, not chaos. I felt closer to the Savior after being with their family.  I know that is because of the love that they show towards each other.

As I thought about this family's example, this scripture came to my mind from the Book of Mormon:

45 And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
 46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—
 47 But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
Charity, or the pure love of Christ, NEVER FAILS!! It didn't bring this family down, it lifted them up!!

If we seek for charity in our lives, everything else will work out. We have no need to fear if we are seeking to love others.  I believe that charity, the pure love of Christ, makes everything right.  :) 


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"I just want to see you BE BRAVE"

Last Wednesday (May 21st..this post is a little late) was a LIFE CHANGING DAY!! Let me tell you why...

Tuesday, the day before, was a rough day. I can't put my finger on why, but I didn't feel like I had much to contribute to missionary work. I was frustrated with my efforts and with what I was doing. I don't know how I started to have such negative thoughts, but I did.  Negativity definitely puts a downer on things. 

Wednesday turned out to be a fantastic day! We had a missionary meeting for most of the day.  Sister Riggs, the mission president's wife, gave a talk that changed my life!! She talked about how we can reach our potential.

One of the ways really hit home to me. She said that we can't ever think:
As I thought about that, I thought of specific ways that we could put this limitation on ourselves. Here are some examples that I came up with:
"I'm not friendly."
"I'm unlovable."
"I'm intimidating." 
"I'm lazy."
"I can't do that."
"I'm not talented enough."

The list could go on and on, but it's not a very happy list, so we will stop there. 

This hit me like a ton of bricks!! I realized that I had been putting negative statements and limitations on myself.  No wonder I felt so terrible yesterday. 

Sister Riggs then quoted this from Elder Hallstrom, a general authority from our church,
I'm so grateful that that is true!! Our limitations don't define us. What defines us is who we are willing to be. And we show that willingness through getting up everyday and working to be better.

Here's another quote that I LOVE from Julie B. Beck (a former Relief Society president):

"You are doing better than you think you are, 
but you can BE better."
And we can become so much more because of our Savior Jesus Christ!! He has felt how we feel. The most comforting part for me is knowing that he knows how it feels to have our weaknesses, but he overcame all of them. He will help us to overcome our weaknesses. We just need to turn to him for peace, comfort, and guidance.

The next thing that they showed us was a music video....not usually what happens in missionary meetings. We never watch media or listen to music, so this was a RARE occasion. We watched the "Brave" music video by Sara Barreiles.  While watching it, the words "I just want to see you be brave" really stuck out to me!!   Change is hard. Standing out of the crowd can be embarrassing. Becoming your best self requires growing pains.  As I watched the music video, I could just imagine my Savior telling ME, "Sister Udall, I just want to see you be brave."  That was the life changing moment!!!  Christ wants ME to come to Him. He wants ME to do hard things. He wants ME to stop putting myself down. He wants ME to not care about what others think. He wants ME to face my weaknesses and work on them. It's OK if I mess up and look silly.  The point is that I am BECOMING. I am going out and doing something about it!!  

And if he wants me to be brave and do hard things, I know that he wants everyone to! He has died for all of us. He knows all of us perfectly. He knows who we really are and what we will accomplish.

Just remember...Christ wants YOU to BE BRAVE!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Prayers Answered...on a daily basis

My miracle of the day...and honestly every the opportunity I have to read The Book of Mormon!! Why?
Well, let me try and explain myself.  Since I'm a missionary, I talk to many people with different religious views and beliefs. Sometimes the conversations that we have make me think about why I believe and do certain things. And I always love to help others answer their questions. 
I'm grateful for the opportunities that I have had to ask questions!!  (Whether it is for myself or for others.)  I has given me the opportunity to think about it,  pray and ask God what is true, and search out the answers in the scriptures. In the end, those questions have BUILT my faith.
As a missionary, I study the scriptures every morning for 1 hour.  In that study time I read from the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ,  and from the Bible.  I have set a goal to read a chapter from the Book of Mormon every day.  On countless occasions, I have gone into my studies with a question, and the Book of Mormon has answered my question.  It has brought peace and comfort to my heart.  MY QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERD!!!!  
This picture sums it up.
If you do have a copy of The Book of Mormon, PLEASE pick it up and read it!! I know that God listens to the questions that we have--spoken or unspoken. I know that He is waiting to give us the answers, but He wants us to study and learn for ourselves. That is why He has given us the scriptures.
And if you don't have a copy of The Book of Mormon and you want to know more about it, that can definitely be fixed!! It's pretty easy! Just go to this website , and one will be delivered to you!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

"No worries! I've got everything under control."

I've been on my mission for more than a year. Time flies! But I feel
that there is always one lesson that God is teaching me. STOP

Something that my Great Grandma used to say is, "If you can do
something about it, fix it. It you can't do anything about it, stop
worrying." She is quite wise.

When I start to worry about things that aren't in my control, this
scripture ALWAYS finds me.

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalms 46:10)

And this one does as well...

Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God. (D&C 101:16)

I'm convinced that God really wants me to learn to "be still" and not worry. I know that is something I will be learning my entire life.

I'm so grateful that God is so patient with me. He will always be there to tell me, "No worries! I've got everything under control."

Knowing that is a miracle in itself :)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Greatest Gift!!

The other day during a lesson we were talking about God's Plan for us:  The Plan of Salvation.  And at the end of the lesson I remembered something that I had studied long, long ago! (That's a tender mercy that I remembered! haha)

But I remembered reading about the word "Earnest" in the Bible Dictionary. Random thought, but I promise it makes a lot of sense. 

This is what it says...

"As used by Paul (2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5; Eph. 1:14) it means that the Lord gives us His Holy Spirit in this life as a foretaste of the joy of eternal life. The Spirit is also the Lord’s surety that He will fulfill His promise to give eternal life to the faithful."

So I realized that Heavenly Father gave us the Holy Ghost so that we could feel a tiny little part of what eternal life  and living with God would feel like!  That is so merciful and so sweet!

I know that one place where I feel that joy is in the Temple, the house of God. 

I cherish the Holy Ghost as a precious gift from God. It is what he has given us to feel comfort and peace. It is what we feel to keep us moving forward during those hard times.  This gift can be with us daily!!

The next time you feel God's love for you, remember that he is reminding you of the eternal joy we will have someday!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I just think this is the greatest picture ever! So springy and happy!!

My miracle for the day is that no matter how long or cold the winter
has been...SPRING COMES.
And it is finally here in Northern Virginia!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


We had a nice little surprise waiting for us the other night! Sticky
notes on our door saying that we were loved! Nice words go a long

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Simplest things make the Biggest Difference!

So my tender mercy for today is pretty simple. But I think those are
the best kind.
On Monday I was having a rough day, and I had told my mission
president a little bit about it in the email that I send him every
week. Well, I wasn't expecting to hear back from him for a whole

Then we got a text later that day saying that we had interviews with
our mission president on Tuesday. There were about 20-30 missionaries
being interviewed. I was happy that I would get to talk to him the
next day.

Tuesday morning came and I went into my interview. The first think he
said to me was, "I'm sorry you are having a rough time." Oh, those
words were such a tender mercy! How did he know? He had read my
email that morning. Out of 250 missionaries, he had looked at my
email and my companions emails. Those were the ONLY two. WOW! I
felt special and loved at that moment.

I know that God is watching over us! He knows when we need those
simple words of encouragement and love from others!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Nametag

Lately, I have been having trouble with my nametags.  That's definitely a problem.  My nametag is pretty important as a missionary. Without one, I don't stand out in a crowd and people don't look at me and wonder what it is.

And a few weeks ago I lost the magnet to one of my nametags, so I only had one nametag for a time.  Now I also have another nametag that has been a bother lately.   That one pins onto a clip, and the pin is broken so it keeps falling off....

Here's the real story:

Last week we had to run into a Safeway and get some food for a sister in our ward.  A few hours later, I noticed that my nametag had fallen off!! (the one with the broken clip)  Needless to say I was really sad that I had lost my nametag.  But I knew there was nothing I could do, so I kept on going with my day.

The next day at church Sister Norwood in my ward walks up to me with the nametag!!!  It shocked me!! I didn't know what to say at first, but I knew that it was an answer to my prayers!

What was so amazing to me is that Sister Norwood's husband had found the nametag late Saturday night in a shopping cart.  And he recognized my name on the nametag and brought it home!  

This little miracles was a testimony to me that Heavenly Father knows even the littlest of my problems.  He puts specific people in the right place at the right time to help with even the little things!!

I think this quote explains it perfectly...

"God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in the kingdom."

I know that we can all play a part in others' miracles.  We just have to be willing to serve others and let God take care of the rest.  He knows each and every one of us perfectly!!!