Friday, June 20, 2014

"Thank you for loving me enough to cut me down."

One of my favorite parts of my mission has been the opportunity to learn from all of my wonderful and sweet companions! I have been so privileged to work alongside them and to learn with them. 

There is one companion that has taught me a great lesson on turning our weaknesses into strengths.  It's hard, but IT'S WORTH IT!!

Sister Anderson :)

Here is a scripture that sums up our time together: 

 "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." (Ether 12:27)

About a week into the transfer (a transfer is every 6 weeks), we were asked to read a conference talk by our mission president. It is called, "As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten" by Elder D. Todd Christofferson, an apostle of Jesus Christ.

Here is a WONDERFUL video that summarizes his talk!!!

Once I read the talk, I thought to myself..."OKAY, here we go!! I will do my best to accept God's will and His correction and change. He will show me my weaknesses, and I will do my best to accept it and grow from it." 
As time went on with Sister Anderson, I learned what I was supposed to work on.  BEING BOLD and INVITING OTHERS TO CHANGE.  I have always felt really uncomfortable telling someone what I think they can do to become better.  Well, that changed pretty quick!! Sister Anderson asked me to help her out by telling her what she could improve on--that was her only request.  Let me tell you, that was so hard to do at first!!
But with Sister Anderson's patience and loving encouragement and example, she taught me how to be bold and loving at the same time!! Being bold has been a huge step out of my comfort zone, but I'm seeing so many benefits and blessings that have come from it!
I even had a missionary tell me the other day that "I like the bold side of Sister Udall!"  It was neat to see that others recognized this change in me! Because I had humbled myself and stepped outside my comfort zone, I was on my way to the Sister Udall God knows I can become!
Our goal as a companionship was that by the end of the transfer, we would be able to say to each other, "Thanks for loving me enough to cut me down."
AND IT HAPPENED!! On Wednesday I got a letter from Sister Anderson that said those exact words!! We have both seen miracles and grown together because we have accepted God's will and made the most of our uncomfortable growing moments!! 

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